See the People & Companies that visit your website

Leverage AI to retarget your high-intent visitors via email and Linkedin
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Auto-email your website visitors

Identify the people on your site and automatically follow up over email, Linkedin, and AI chat. Book more demos.
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99% of B2B website traffic is anonymous

Turn the lights on and start reaching warm leads in less than 5 minutes

Spencer Penn headshot
“Penguin helps us 10x the value of our website by identifying and converting website visitors into booked demos. Game changing!”

Spencer Penn, Founder & CEO, Lightsource AI

Leed Feed widget

Lead Feed

Reveal which people and companies are visiting your website. Build lists of prospects, add them to your favorite email cadence tool, and reel in your highest intent prospects. 🎣

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Question Feed widget

Question Feed

Search, sort and query your prospects chats. Leverage the pages they visited and questions they asked to personalize your outreach and engagement.

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AI Sidekick widget

AI Chat

Engage, educate, and convert your website visitors into demos all while gathering invaluble intent data with our AI powered chat, Sidekick.

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Analytics widget


Track ROI easily. See conversion rates and real-time stats such as unique visitor count, ICP prospects identified, engagement metrics, questions metrics and more.

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Leed Feed widget

Lead Feed

Reveal which people and companies are visiting your website

Outward arrow


Automatically route leads to email sequences, Linkedin campaigns, CRM and more

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AI Sidekick widget

AI Chat

Engage & educate your visitors while gathering valuble intent data

Outward arrow

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early stage startups on tight budgets
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Feedback from a client saying "I love it, its;s incredible, so smart"

How it works

It's as easy as...

Enter your domain name or sitemap
URL type field
Paste a line of javascript into your site
Javascript code
Set up your favorite integrations
Marketing integrations
Get up and running in less than 5 minutes!

Get Penguin AI today

Setup in minutes

No long term contracts

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