
Lead Feed

See the EXACT people and companies visiting your website

Identify up to 70% of your website traffic with Penguin People-level & Company-level identification technology.

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People Feed identifies the people visiting your website. Including:
  • Name
  • Company
  • Title
  • Business & Consumer Emails
  • Linkedin profile
  • Location
  • Revenue
  • Employee Count
Company Feed identifies the companies visiting your website. Including:
  • Company Name
  • Location
  • Revenue
  • Visitor Location
  • Visitor Functional Role
  • Visitor Seniority
See a detailed view of intent and browsing history:
  • Pages visited
  • Time per page
  • Timeline (full customer journey)
  • Document referrer
  • UTM Tracking
  • Device
Segment leads by:
  • CRM Stage
  • Sector
  • Employee Count
  • Annual Revenue
  • Location
  • Keywords
  • Page Views (include & exclude)
  • Much more
Enrich Company Feed with relevant prospects based on:
  • Title(s)
  • Department
  • Seniority
  • Location

Integrate with your existing tech stack:

  • Connect to CRM and popular sales engagement platforms
  • Customize Slack notifications
  • Webhooks & Zapier for everything else!

Connect your marketing stack instantly

Easily integrate with existing tools to:

  • Identify leads
  • Handle customer questions with AI
  • Get notifications when target accounts are on your site
  • Measure booked demos
  • Store customer context in your CRM
  • Automate outbound and follow-up
  • Run targeted ads
Marketing integration logos

Ready to 10x your pipeline?

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